NZCF Longhair Transfer Form

* Required information
Please ensure you enter the FULL registered pedigreee name of the kitten/s (including prefix)
I request that the above named kittens are transferred to the new owners as listed above
CHEQUE: Cheques should be made out to NZCF (Inc) and sent to Kaye Dixon, NZCF Longhair Registrar, 188A Rapurapu Road, RD3, Matamata 3473. Please note on the back the dam name and date of birth of the litter)
INTERNET BANKING: TSB Bank #153945-0265474-00, please use the following as reference: breeder's name, and the word 'transfer' to denote the payment type
CREDIT CARD: Contact the Longhair Registrar at to register your credit card details and make payment if you have not paid for registrations by credit card previously. If the Longhair Registrar already holds your current credit card details please authorise payment by checking the boxes below.
I authorise the NZCF to charge my credit card for the following transfers:
Number of pet transfers x $7.00
Number of breeding transfers x $33.00
Export Documentation x $5.50
Total Amount Paid*