Schedule of Breed Codes

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  1. Breed Codes marked thus * are FOR REGISTRATION PURPOSES ONLY, and are NOT to be printed in any Show Schedules as published by Clubs. These Breed Codes do NOT as yet have an official NZCF Inc. Standard of Points. Cats registered with Breed Codes marked * shall be exhibited together with other exhibits of the applicable breed registered with the letter "Z" of that Breed, i.e. THEY SHALL BE EXHIBITED AS AOC OF THEIR OWN BREED WITH NO CHALLENGE CERTIFICATES.
  2. Breed Codes with no annotations whatsoever are all entitled to CHALLENGE CERTIFICATES with the exception of those detailed in paragraph 4 below.
  3. Challenge certificates are not offered to:
    Breed Code. XLH (AOV) Any Other Variety LH Breed/Type Division.
    Breed Code. XSH (AOV) Any Other Variety SH Breed/Type Division.
    Any L/H and S/H Breeds with colour suffix 'Z'.
    Any variants of a Breed
  4. (i) L/H - CREAM & RED TABBY/CREAM & RED SELF REGISTRATIONS (DUAL) must use their DUAL Registrations, e.g. 8D(4) or 8G(5), and not just the Tabby Breed Code, but they will be exhibited and judged as the "TABBY" Phenotype.
    (ii) S/H - CREAM & RED TABBY/CREAM & RED SELF REGISTRATIONS (DUAL) must use their DUAL Registrations, e.g. SIAF/D(SIAD) or SIAF/G(SIAG) and not just the Tabby Breed Code, but they will be exhibited and judged as the "TABBY" Phenotype.
  5. (i) L/H - NON-SMOKE, SHADED, SILVER TABBY / SMOKE, SHADED, SILVER TABBY REGISTRATIONS (DUAL) must use their DUAL REGISTRATION, e.g. PER (PER s), and not just the non silver Breed Code, but they will be exhibited and judged as the NON SILVER phenotype.
    (ii) S/H - NON-SMOKE, SHADED, SILVER TABBY / SMOKE, SHADED, SILVER TABBY REGISTRATIONS (DUAL) must use their DUAL REGISTRATION, e.g. ORI (ORI s), and not just the non silver Breed Code, but they will be exhibited and judged as the NON SILVER phenotype.
  6. (i) All Persians with Breed Codes marked with an asterisk * must be exhibited as Breed PER Z. All other Longhair Breeds have the colour suffix "Z" for "Any Other Colour" of the applicable breed for registration and show purposes. All colours and patterns of these breeds that do not already have their own breed code listed shall be registered and exhibited under the applicable breed code with colour suffix 'Z'. If no breed code exists they must be exhibited as Breed XLH (AOV). Breed Codes PER Z (AOC Persian) and XLH (AOV L/H) ARE TWO SEPARATE CLASSES.
    (ii) All Shorthair Breeds have the colour suffix "Z" for "Any Other Colour" of the applicable breed for registration and show purposes. All colours and patterns of these breeds that do NOT already have their OWN breed code listed shall be registered and exhibited under the applicable breed code with colour suffix 'Z'. If no breed code exists they must be registered and shown as XSH (AOV S/H). Exceptions to this are Breed No. 43 Scottish SH and Breed No. 44 Scottish LH which must be exhibited as XSH (AOV S/H) until these breeds have an official NZCF Inc Standard of Points.
  7. (i) L/H - All generation 1 cats registered on the Provisional Register must be exhibited as Breed XLH only, regardless of colour or pattern with their designated breed and colour included on entry forms and in Judges Books.
    (ii) S/H - All cats registered as Breed XSH must compete only in that class. This includes all generation 1 cats registered on the Provisional Register regardless of colour or pattern with their designated breed and colour included on entry forms and in Judges Books.
  8. PERSIAN PROGENY FROM EXOTIC MATINGS also carry DUAL REGISTRATION, e.g. PER (EXO) but are exhibited and judged as Persians.
  9. ALL CYMRIC, ISLE OF MAN LH, LH FOLDS, MANX AND ISLE OF MAN SH follow the established breed coding system for REGISTRATION PURPOSES. These varieties do not yet have individual colour codes for show purposes. Scottish SH and Scottish LH are to be exhibited as XSH (AOV S/H) as detailed above.
  10. ABYSSINIAN PROGENY from Abyssinian x Somali matings also carry DUAL REGISTRATION, e.g. ABY(SOM) but are exhibited and judged as Abyssinians.
  11. CORNISH and DEVON REX have individual Breed Codes for all Colours and Patterns for REGISTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. FOR SHOW PURPOSES these cats must be exhibited as Breed DRX Devon Rex and Breed CRX Cornish Rex. These Breed Codes for registration purposes are not shown on this list but are listed in full in the Shorthair Standard of Points Booklet. (Therefore those registered as DRX Z and CRX Z must still be exhibited as Breed DRX or Breed CRX, and their Challenge Status is unaffected, as ALL COLOURS are acceptable under the Group Codes of DRX and CRX.)
  12. SELECTED BREED BALINESE (BAL)/JAVANESE (JAV): Any of the Balinese/Javanese breed codes may, when appropriate, be followed by V (denoting Variant - i.e. shorthair variety carrying a longhair gene).
  13. SELECTED BREED TIFFANY (TIF): The Tiffany breed code may, when appropriate, be followed by V (denoting variant - i.e. shorthair variety carrying a longhair gene).
  14. SELECTED BREED TONKINESE (TON): Tonkinese are allocated Breed Code. TON V denoting variant to register the Burmese-coloured progeny as seal solid, blue solid, chocolate solid, etc. and the Siamese-coloured progeny as seal pointed, blue pointed, chocolate pointed, etc.
  15. ALL AGOUTI CATS CONFORMING TO ONE OF THE FOUR RECOGNISED TABBY PATTERNS (Classic, Mackerel, Spotted, Ticked) shall be recorded as such at date of registration and in addition the registered pattern of adult cats shall be stated on entry forms for exhibition and entered in the Judges books. (AGM 89). Download the Full Schedule of Breed Codes.