NZCF Downloads

Executive Council MeetingsAnnual General MeetingsOnline Voting
Financial StatementsGovernance Documents & Codes of Conduct
Applications, Forms, & GuidesShowsNew Membership
Flash Cats Magazine


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Click on the appropriate download lmage next to the document to begin downloading.

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Executive Council Meetings
Document Download
Agenda Executive Council Meeting, 25 Jun 2024 Agenda_25_June_2024_.pdf
Minutes for Executive Council Meeting, 28 May 2024 2024_05_28_EC_Minutes-Approved.pdf

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary


Annual General Meetings
Document Download
2024 AGM Agenda, 20 Apr 2024 AGENDA_AGM_2024.pdf
2024 AGM Minutes , 20 Apr 2024 2024-AGM-MINUTES-Approved.pdf
2024 AGM Nominations Form 2024_NZCF_NOMINATION_FORM.docx
2024 Post AGM Agenda, 21 Apr 2024 Post_AGM_Agenda.pdf
2024 Post AGM Minutes, 21 Apr 2024 2024-Post-AGM-Minutes-Approved.pdf

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary


Online Voting
Document Download
Instruction sheet for online voting process, 13 Mar 2024 Online_voting_Info_sheet.docx

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary


Financial Statements, and Budgets & Forecasts
Document Download
2023 Budget & 2024 Forecast 2023_Budget_2024_Forecast.xlsx
Financial Statements YE 31/12/2023 2023_NZCF_Final.pdf

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary


Governance Documents & Codes of Conduct
Document Download
Governance Documents
Constitution, Amended, 27 Jul 2022 2022-07-2022-CON-ISSUED.pdf
Disputes and Discipline, amended, 17 Aug 2023 2023-08-17-DD-ISSUED.pdf
General Rules & Policies, Amended , 8 Dec 2023 2023-12-08-GRandP-ISSUED.pdf
Glossary, amended, 5 Apr 2021 2021-04-05-GL-ISSUED.pdf
Health, Safety, & Wellness System, Amended, 2 Jan 2023 2023-01-02-HS-ISSUED.pdf
Judges Manual, amended, 19 Nov 2021 2021-11-19-JM-ISSUED.pdf
Registration Rules, Amended, 17 Jan 2024 2024-01-17-RR-ISSUED.pdf
Schedule of Breed Codes, amended, 20 Jan 2024 2024-01-20-SoBC-ISSUED.pdf
Show Bylaws, Amended, 19 Jan 2024 2024-01-19-SB-ISSUED.pdf
Standing Orders for NZCF Meetings, issued, 5 Aug 2015 2015-08-05-SOM-ISSUED.pdf
Strategic Plan, amended, 15 Oct 2016 2016-10-15-SP-ISSUED.pdf
Codes of Conduct
Breeders Code of Conduct, amended, 9 Aug 2021 2021-08-09-Code-Breeders-ISSUED.pdf
Judges Code of Conduct, amended, 9 Dec 2021 2021-12-09-Code-Judges-ISSUED.pdf
Members Code of Conduct, amended, 29 Nov 2018 2018-11-29-Code-Members-ISSUED.pdf

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary


Applications, Forms, & Guides
Document Download
Affiliate Club Membership Application Form Affiliate_Membership_Renewal.docx
Membership Renewal Form Membership_Renewal.docx
New Breeders Information Sheet, amended, 11/06 2023 New_Breeder_Information_Sheet.docx
New Membership Application Form New_Member_Application.docx
Prefix Application Form (please email
Registrations & Transfer
Application for Litter Registration form, Amended, 07/06/2023 Litter_application.xls
Application for Registration of an Imported Cat/Kitten ImportRegForm.xls
Litter Transfer Application NZCF_Litter_transfer_application-01-15.doc
Registration and transfer forms can also be completed online by clicking clicking here
Transfer Application NZCF_Transfer_application_01-15.doc
Health & Safety
2021 Club H&S Information Form.docx 2021_Club_HS_Information_Form.docx
2021 First Aid Treatment Form.docx 2021_First_Aid_Treatment_Form.docx
2021 Hazard Register.docx 2021_Hazard_Register.docx
2021 Incident Report & Investigation Form.docx 2021_Incident_Report_Investigation_Form.docx
Health & Safety Checklist for Clubs, Issued, 21 Jun 2021 2021-06-21-Checklist-ISSUED.docx
Judges Annual Return 2024, Amended, 17 Oct 2023 2023-10-17-Judges_Annual_Return-2024-Issued.docx
Judges Training School Application, Amended, 11 Jan 2019 2019-01-11-JudgesTrainingApplication.docx
Workers Record Booklet Record_Booklet.pdf
Breeder Accreditation
Breeder Accreditation Programme Application Form, Issued, 19 Apr 2022 2022_BreederAccreditation-Application.docx
Inspection Sheet, Issued, 8 Apr 2021 2021-04-08-Accreditation-InspectionSheet-ISSUED.pdf
Prefix Owner's Guidelines, Issued, 21 Aug 2021 2021-08-21-Accreditation-Guidelines-ISSUED.pdf
Appointed Positions Expression of Interest 2024 Appointed_Positions_E_O_I.docx
Appointment of Agent form Appointment_of_Agent_NZCF.doc
Breed Section Representative Information Pack, Issued, 31 Jul 2023 2023-07-31-BreedSectionRep-Info.docx
Experimental Breeding Program Application, Amended, 28 Feb 2021 2021-02-28-ExperimentalProgrammeApplication.pdf
Leasing Form Leasing.jpg
NZCF Confidentiality Agreement (EC) Confidentiality_agreement.doc
NZCF logo 2016-NZCF-Logo.jpg
Sire Confirmation & Lease Guidelines, 3 Nov 2023 Sire_Confirmation_Lease_Guidelines.pdf
Disputes & Discipline
Complaint Flow Chart, Issued, 30 Aug 2021 2021-08-30-DD-ComplaintFlowChart-ISSUED.pdf
Complaint Notice, Issued, 20 Jul 2023 2023-07-20-DD-ComplaintNotice.docx

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary


Document Download
2025 Show Date Application Form, Amended, 17 Oct 2023 2023-10-17-ShowDateApplicationForm-2025.pdf
Benching Fee Calculation Form NZCF_Benching_Fee_Calculation_Form.xlsx
Companion Entry Form, Amended, 5 Feb 2021 2021-02-05-CompaionEntryForm-ISSUED.docx
Domestic Colour Sheet 2007Domesticcolourchart.pdf
Domestic Entry Form, Amended, 5 Nov 2019 2019-11-05-DomesticEntryForm-ISSUED.docx
Early Departure from a Show, Issued, 23 Jan 2018 2018-01-23-EarlyDeparture-ISSUED.doc
Honours Certificate Application Form, Amended, 14 Jun 2022 2022-06-14-HonoursApplication-ISSUED.docx
Honours Medallion Order Form, Amended, 14 Jun 2022 2022-05-14-MedallionOrder-ISSUED.docx
Invitation and Agreement to Judge Form, Amended, 31 Jan 2023 2023-01-31-JudgesContract-ISSUED.docx
NZCF Cat Show Sponsorship Acknowledgement Form Sponsorship_Form.pdf
NZCF Registered Companion Cats 2007 Rules
NZCF Schedule Of Classes For Registered Cats Schedule_of_classes.html
Pedigree Entry Form, Amended, 5 Nov 2019 2019-11-05-PedigreeEntryForm-ISSUED.docx
Reclassification at Shows, Amended, 5 Jan 2020 2020-01-05-ReclassificationAtShows-ISSUED.docx
Top 10 Results Template, Amended, 4 Nov 2019 2019-11-04-Top10Results-Template-ISSUED.docx
Unable to be Judged / Handled form, Amended, 15 Jan 2017 2017-01-31-Form-UTJ-UTH-ISSUED.doc

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary


New Membership
Document Download
Application form for NEW MEMBERS ONLY, Amended, 11/06 2023 New_Member_Application.docx
Mentors List
New Breeders Information Sheet, Amended, 11/06 2023 New_Breeder_Information_Sheet.docx
Prefix Application Form (please email

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary


Flash Cats Magazine
Document Download

Minutes of earlier meetings may be obtained from the NZCF Secretary
