Judges Overview

At each and every NZCF sanctioned show, the cats are judged by either New Zealand judges, who are assessed and "licensed" by the NZCF, or by invited overseas judges. New Zealand judges also judge offshore, particularly in Australia and Asia, and they have also judged in North America and Europe on occasions.

New Zealand judges are qualified in either the shorthair division, covering all recognised shorthair breeds, the longhair division covering all longhair breeds, or all breeds division which covers both short and longhair cats.

The panels within each breed division are as follows::

  1. Junior Cat Panel - judges authorized by the NZCF to judge all sections under supervision within New Zealand
  2. Intermediate panel - judges authorized by the NZCF to judge all kittens and cats unsupervised within New Zealand
  3. Senior panel - judges authorized by the NZCF to judge all kittens and cats unsupervised within New Zealand AND overseas.
  4. Tutor judges - senior judges are appointed to this panel by the Executive Council.

The current lists of judges, may be found on the link at the top of this page.