Breed Standard of Points

The NZCF, in conjunction with the affiliated clubs and through the clubs, the breeders, maintains a set of breed standards, or standard of points, for each NZCF recognised breed. The objective of each breed standard is to describe as clearly as possible the ideal structure or type of the paricular breed of cat, and to describe it's coat type and colours. It is against these standards, or "ideal" cats, that each cat in a show is judged. The judges use these standards to ensure that all of the exhibits are judged fairly against a consistent standard. It is entirely possible, and in some cases normal, for the cats to not reach this ideal standard. But they are all judged against it, and the cat, which in the judges opinion, most closely conforms to the standard will receive the highest placings. Each breed has a breed code assigned, with a suffix denoting colour and/or pattern.

To look at the Standard of Points for a particular breed, please click in the table below on the name of the breed that you are interested in … the various breed standards are stored in PDF format to allow visitors to view and then print the relevant standard. If you do not have a copy of Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, please click here

Longhair Division SOPs - All Longhair Division - Intro
Shorthair Division SOPs - All Shorthair Division - Intro
Abyssinian American Bombay
American Shorthair Australian Mist
Balinese Bengal
Birman Bombay
British Shorthair British Longhair
Burmilla Longhair Burmilla Shorthair
Cashmere Cornish Rex
Devon Rex Devon Rex Longhair
Egyptian Mau Exotic
Isle of Man Longhair Isle of Man Shorthair
Japanese Bobtail Longhair Japanese Bobtail Shorthair
Javanese Korat
La Perm Maine Coon
Mandalay Manx
Norwegian Forest Cat Ocicat
Oriental Shorthair Persian
Ragdoll Russian
Scottish Fold Longhair Scottish Fold Shorthair
Scottish Longhair Scottish Shorthair
Selkirk Rex Siamese
Siberian Singapura
Somali Sphynx
Tasman Cymric Tasman Isle of Man Longhair
Tasman Isle of Man Shorthair Tasman Manx
Templecat Tiffany
Tonkinese Toyger
Turkish Angora Turkish Van