Breed Standards Advisory Council
The BSAC came into being as a result of the adoption of the constitution at the AGM of the NZCF in October 2010.
Members are appointed to their positions. These are the current appointed members:
- Lyall Payne (acting Chair)
- Aspden
- Cheryl Davies-Crook
- Roy Griffth
- Marion Petley
- Zena Pigden
- Michelle Ross
- Sandy Steward
Contact details for the NZCF BSAC portfolio manager, and Chair of the BSAC can be found on the Executive Council page. click here.
Aims and Objectives of the Breed Standards Advisory Council
- To maintain and promote a register of Breeds Standards for NZ.
- To receive or initiate SoP alteration requests from Breed Representatives, individuals or Judges Council and process these.
- To ensure consultation on any proposed changes to Breed Standards via Breed Representatives
- To ensure SoP’s are consistent with sound genetic principles
- To ensure all alterations and additions to the SoP’s are presented for EC approval prior to or at the December EC meeting each year providing the consultation process has been completed
- To ensure all approved alterations and additions to the SoP’s are issued to Judges and Breed Representatives each year before the start of the show season
- To ensure that the health and on-going viability of breeds are safeguarded through appropriate SoPs and in the planning of experimental breeding programmes
- To consider, and if appropriate, approve Experimental Breeding Programmes, providing constructive comment & ensuring integrity in the registration process. Also provide on-going support and advice if required.