The Exotic is the 'easy care' Persian with a coat that is dense and plush. Otherwise they have the same physical features as the Persian. They are gentle, affectionate and laid- back. However they are more outgoing than the Persian and seek human companionship enthusiastically.
NZCF Accredited Exotic Breeders List
Breeder Names | Prefix Name | Location | Contact Info |
ROSIMORN | RD 3 Warkworth | Home: 021146 5498 E-mail: tdrj.morrison@xtra.co.nz Website: Click Here |
Exotic Breeders List
Breeder Names | Prefix Name | Location | Contact Info |
BOLLEN, James G BOLLEN, Irene M |
MURASKI | Parkvale Tauranga | Home: (07)5781167 E-mail: muraskipersians@gmail.com Website: Click Here |
CULLUM, Noeline |
DIXYKATZ | Glenbrook Beach, RD 1 Waiuku | Home: 021 0617871 E-mail: ncullum@windowslive.com Website: Click Here |
ASKARI | Fendalton Christchurch | Home: 021 2632334 E-mail: askari@askaricats.com Website: Click Here |
ISPISAKAT | Bridge Hill Alexandra | Home: (03) 448 8633 E-mail: ispisakat.cattery@gmail.com |
DONG, Sandra |
CANDYCAN | RD 4 Albany | Home: 021 0825 8008 E-mail: candycanexotic@gmail.com |
GRAY, Jan GRAY, Ian |
MAGICBOX | RD1 Te Awamutu | Home: 027 4494301 E-mail: pepperboxpersians@hotmail.com Website: Click Here |
JANSSON, Amanda J |
FOREVA | RD 2 Napier | Home: 027 933 4202 E-mail: ajansson38@gmail.com |
LAWRENCE, Jacqueline |
GRANDELLE | TE KUITI | Home: 027 8788660 E-mail: jackielawrence2016@gmail.com |
MCKINNON, Rebecca |
DESTINYLACES | Ashburton Canterbury | E-mail: becksmck101@gmail.com |
MOOR, Raewyn D |
CHANTILLYMEWS | Hokitika | Home: 027 298 8125 E-mail: raewyn.moor@xtra.co.nz |
WEYMES, Claire |
CLICQUOCAT | Chartwell Hamilton | Home: 021 281 1418 E-mail: claireweymes@xtra.co.nz |
WILSON, Kathleen D |
SILVERADO | Pukehangi Rotorua | Home: 0274355602 E-mail: silveradopersians@gmail.com Website: Click Here |