
The Siberian is a medium/large, strong cat of medium length hair, which takes 5 years to mature. The females weigh less than the males. They are extremely agile and athletic. Their muscles are mighty, outstanding and powerful. The back is medium and slightly lower in front than in the hind, but appears horizontal when in motion. A barrel shaped, muscular torso, develops with age. The hind legs, when straightened, are slightly longer than the forelegs. The paws are round, big and quite powerful. The overall appearance should be one of great strength, and power; the facial expression is quite sweet.

NZCF Accredited Siberian Breeders List

Breeder Names Prefix Name Location Contact Info

Siberian Breeders List

Breeder Names Prefix Name Location Contact Info
NICKEL, Reinhard
COROKOSCHKA Huntly Home: 021 44 30 66
E-mail: info@corokoschka.nzz
Website: Click Here

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