Judges Profile
Paul, Henry
Tokoroa 3420
Hello. I started my journey in the Cat world in 1986 with my first Birman litter being born. My Prefix was Preference. I have held office in Birman club as President and others for a few years. I was asked by Committee to consider becoming a Longhair judge as there were no Birman breeders judging. So my journey began as a judge in 1996.
In 2018 I became an Allbreeds judge. Have thoroughly enjoyed all my assignments both in NZ and Australia. Have made lots of friends in both countries. I am looking forward to this assignment of the ACF Nationals in June this year. Looking forward to meeting old friends and making new ones.
I have also bred Persians and Exotics for a short time. I am now owned by 2 Maine Coons. A Russian Blue and an American Shorthair. My partner and I have shown 1 Maine Coon with great success and both the Russian and ASH have done us proud as well.