Judges Profile
Lyall, Payne

Otaki 5512
027 440 8153
I have been actively interested in purebred animals and poultry, pedigrees, and breed histories since my early school days.
In 1992, I moved from Wellington to Otaki and with the new house acquired my first Birmans and became actively involved in the Kapiti Cat Club and then the NZCF Executive Council. In 2006, I registered Chalfont as my prefix. Chalfont St Giles in Buckinghamshire, England, is the village where generations of my Payne family predecessors lived.
While I maintain a relatively small breeding establishment I have had great success with my Chalfont Birmans, including Best Longhair at the 2013 NZ National with Chalfont Overnight Sensation and Best in Show at the 2016 NZ National with Chalfont Uncle Sam.
I have been fortunate to have judged cats throughout Australia and New Zealand including delightful ‘country shows’, National Specialty, and Royal Show, levels.
I have been an all-breeds cat judge for many years and as a dog judge, judge the Hound and Working groups at international level having judged dogs throughout New Zealand, Australia and Europe. I am still currently involved with the Kapiti-Horowhenua Cat Club and am also currently the Breed Standards Advisory Council portfolio holder on the NZCF Executive Council.