Judges Profile
Irene, Brooks

Taupo 3330
Accredited All Breed
Accredited LH Specialty
Accredited SH Specialty
All Breed Internationally
LH Specialty Internationally (Groups 1,4)
SH Specialty Internationally (Groups 2,3,4)
My first memory of having a cat was when a friend and I called into her shed on the way home from school and I tucked a delightful Tortoiseshell and White kitten under my jumper taking it home and deciding to call him Sylvester only to find out she was a Sylvia. As a side note my last breeding was a tortoiseshell Van I called Waltzing with Matlilda in honour of the all Black win against Australia in the World cup. But had to change the name to Tilly Tom as he was a Male Tortoiseshell I guess the moral of the story is don’t trust me to sex Tortoiseshell kittens.
This started a steady stream of felines that have been my companions through the years.
My introduction to showing was at a very early age when the family entered Syliva into a show in Dunedin, and she gained a first place. I still have that card in my memory box today.
I started breeding in the early 1990 after being introduced to the cat world by John Smithson. I breed Persian and Exotics with an emphasis on the Van and Harlequin patterns.
After two years I was offered a pregnant female La Perm Cat to help with a new breed to New Zealand. These cats are in my option the most underrated cats in the feline world and suitable as a constant companion somewhat like a dog and tend to be low allergenic with low care needs.
I had a breeding program for over 10 years until my career (Human Resources) became such that I could not afford to spend the time that was required to keep the number of cats I had in a manner they deserved.
My Judging journey began in 2008, my mentor and trainer for the greater part has been John Smithson and in the latter years Debbie Davidson. I thank both these people for what I have become in the Cat World
I live in Taupo which is a central location, and where some of my family live.
I was a member of NZCF in the 90s and 2000 when I was living in Feilding and I have a prefix with NZCF "La Kiwie" and Catz Inc."Kiwiekatz'
I did hold a handlers licence and have helped on many occasions on the administration at NZCF shows in the early years. I was also a member of the Palmerston North Cat Club. I am now a member of the Pointed and Patches Club.
I have held office on the Catz Board for many years in various positions and show coordinator for a number of years.