Membership Application

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Type of Membership
I am a
Existing members renewing membership after 31st January 2020 please add late fee of $30
Breed Sections you wish to join: BREEDERS ONLY (all breeds you currently breed may be nominated).
Breed Sections you wish to join: NON BREEDERS.

AGENDAS/MINUTES & NOTICES are sent FREE to all members via our no reply forum

Would you prefer to receive the Flash Cats magazine via email in the future
I agree to the following information being published in NZCF publications and on the NZCF website
I will be paying by

The New Zealand Cat Fancy Inc. (NZCF) is bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act. Personal information collected by the NZCF will only be used for purposes essential to conduct the business of the NZCF and will not be divulged to a third party unless authorised by the person providing the information.

EXCEPTIONS: I/We understand that the NZCF may, when requested, confirm whether or not I/We have current financial membership of the NZCF. I/We understand that the NZCF may share information with other registries where there are proven concerns relating to the safety or health of cats or kittens in my/our care.